Let’s get something straight right off the bat: I am a researcher, not an medical doctor. This gives me an advantage over medical doctors however, because I don’t have a medical bias that can cloud my judgment. I also haven’t been brainwashed by drug companies or through pharmaceutical education.
I do however, spend many hours each week making sure I am current on the latest information in fitness and nutrition, and this brings me to many studies and websites on health as well. I decided to write this blog for the benefit of the hundreds of clients at my X Gyms as well as others who might be worried about the latest flu outbreak.
I am only presenting the best information I have found so far, so you can do with it as you please and come to your own conclusions.
The facts however, prove that this is not just another swine flu outbreak. This particular strain also contains genetic material from the human flu and the bird flu. I haven’t found a credible expert yet who says that combination can occur naturally . This leaves only one other conclusion: that it is man-made. You can draw your own assumptions as to whether it is a weaponized version, or if it was released on purpose or by accident. There is plenty of information out there for you to look into those issues yourself.
To keep this short and simple, here are some links to the best sites I have found so far:
[Read more…] about Swine Flu Prevention, Remedies, Tamiflu, and Pandemics