Continuing on my quest to rewire the brains of the world for permanent fitness without the need for willpower, I submit to you part 3 (be sure to read parts 1 and 2 below before …
Think Thin to Get Thin (part two)
If someone could safely brainwash your subconscious brain and reset your mind's eye so you thought like a thin person and therefore became one for the rest of your life, would you …
Think Thin to Get Thin (part one)
When I originally finished this post in its entirely, it was quite a monster. To make it easier to digest, I decided to break it up into smaller sections. Here is part one and the …
Is it Your Willpower or Your Brain?
I got this message in an email from Michael Lovitch, Co founder of the Hypnosis Network . I found it so interesting, I just had to post it. I have told people over and over that …