It seemed like this year had some really nasty bugs going around. These bugs also seemed more contagious than I have seen before. I usually get a pretty good pulse on bugs going …
7 Surprising Fitness Truths You Probably Didn’t Know
By John Paul Catanzaro (well, at least the first 5 truths are by John. The last 2 are by me). In life we take many things for granted. People are told to go on a low fat …
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My 7 Best Fruit Picks
People ask me all the time if fruit can be a part of an aggressive fat-burning nutrition plan. My answer is yes, but within certain parameters. I talked with one client who was …
Was Jesus a Vegan?
My Christian vegan friends ask me from time to time, how my Christian conscience allows me to eat animal products, since in their view, Jesus was a vegan. Well, my answer is …